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更新時間:2013-01-14   點擊次數:1446次

BURKERT產品大量使用于分析儀器、汽車制造、生物技術、化學、電子、能源、基因工程、半導體、化妝  BURKERT
作為技術的企業,Burkert生產的“環氧樹脂封裝線圈”以及“電纜連接插頭 ”已成為ISO質量標準。而Burkert發明的 “先導銜鐵電磁系統”“搖臂式電磁閥”及“脈沖線圈”*處于*水平。
Bürkert is one of the world's leading companies for measurement and control technology. For more information on your specific region, please select your country to access your local Bürkert website.

Our products and systems cover the complete control loop and have a wide variety of applications, from breweries and laboratories to medical engineering and space technology.
A broad range like this requires one thing above all: to think that decisive step ahead or sometimes across.

The openness and willingness to continuously think beyond industry borders and in the process come up with extraordinary solutions for extraordinary problems made us who we are today: one of the leading manufacturers of measuring and control systems for fluids and gases.

We place emphasis on innovation and supreme quality as well as absolute flexibility in our organization and processes.